Administrative procedure

When we receive your claim form, we will initiate our investigation and obtain all necessary documentation relating to the claim. You will be kept informed throughout and will have the opportunity to provide comments.

Print Bokmål | Nynorsk | 6. January 2021

How can I contribute?

  • complete the claim form as accurately as possible
  • provide us with any new information about your situation throughout the administrative procedure
  • comply with the response deadlines we set out
  • get in touch with us if you have any questions

Does it cost anything to make a claim for compensation?

No, it is free.

Do I need a solicitor?

You generally do not need a solicitor to apply for compensation. We will obtain all relevant information and ensure that the claim is investigated properly.

If your claim for compensation is approved, we may cover reasonable legal expenses associated with a solicitor in the determination of the compensation amount.

Who will consider the medical issues relating to my claim?

We will obtain specialist statements from specialists outside of NPE. The solution that is chosen will depend on the complexity of the claim and whether our internal specialists have the correct expertise in relation to the claim that is under consideration.

Rules relating to the administrative procedure

The Insurance Contracts Act shall apply in accordance with Section 3-10 of the Product Liability Act. We also observe the general rules on administrative procedures as set down in the Administration Act.