Limitations to the registration duty

Here you will find information about who needs to register and pay contribution to NPE.

What is considered healthcare under the Patient Injury Act?

Here you can read more about the conditions that must be met for the treatment to be covered by the Patient Injury Act.

The boundary between the public and private health service

Here you can read more about what falls under the public and private health service. This differentiation is important for determining whether you have a duty to register and pay contributions to NPE as a private enterprise in the health service.

Cosmetic treatment

Not all types of treatment are considered healthcare. This means that not all cosmetic treatment is covered by the patient injury scheme.

Treatment on the continental shelf

Patient injuries that occur on the continental shelf do normally not fall under the patient injury scheme. Patients will therefore not be entitled to apply for compensation from NPE.

Alternative therapies

Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning alternative therapies.