Appealing the decision or reopen a claim

Here you can find information about how to appeal a decision. You will also find information about reopening a claim.

Print Bokmål | Nynorsk | 6. January 2021

Appealing a decision

If your claim is refused, you can lodge an appeal against the decision. The appeal must be sent to us for consideration. If we do not find grounds for reversing the decision, we will send the appeal on to the Patient Injury Compensation Board (PSN). "Helseklage" acts as the secretariat of the Patient Injury Compensation Board and will administer the case.

The appeal deadline is three weeks.

Before an appeal is considered by the PSN, a further assessment will be carried out to establish whether it is necessary to obtain additional information, such as medical statements and similar. In the event that our decision is reversed by the PSN, the claim will be returned to us for calculation of the compensation. If the refusal is upheld by the PSN, you will have the option to bring the case before the courts. The case cannot be brought before the courts until the PSN has processed the appeal.

The easiest way to complain about a decision is through My page, and we recommend that you use My page to send us what we ask for. Then we get the right information from you faster.

> Log in to My page

If you do not have My Page, or do not wish to use My Page, you can write down the information we need and submit it to us. More information.

Reopening a claim

When we have completed the claim and you have not appealed our decision, the claim will generally be considered to have been finally settled. Nevertheless, in certain cases it may be relevant to look at the claim again. This could be because you have new, important information that was not known at the time your claim was completed.

The condition for reopening a claim is that the new information must have an impact on the outcome of the claim. Please be aware that it takes a lot to reopen a completed claim.

If you have appealed our decision and the appeal has been completed by the Patient Injury Compensation Board, you must submit the application to reopen the claim to the PSN.