Administrative procedure

Here you will find information about the administration period, how the administrative procedure is carried out and the use of specialists.

My page

If you have applied for patient injury compensation from us, you can follow your case on My page. Solicitors can use My page on behalf of their clients.

Lengthy administrative procedure

Unfortunately, you must expect a long wait time before we start processing your application.

Administration period

Here you can see the average time it takes for the administrative procedure to be completed.

Hvorfor sier vi nei til to av tre søknader om erstatning?

Mange som søker erstatning hos oss, opplever å få nei på søknaden sin. I gjennomsnitt får en av tre som søker, erstatning etter en pasientskade. Her kan du lese mer om hvorfor vi sier nei til flere søknader.

Use of experts

We rely on relevant expert assessments to make the right decisions concerning our cases. How are experts chosen, what constitutes a good expert assessment, and when might it be appropriate to make use of foreign experts?

Use of a solicitor

You will receive the necessary assistance from NPE when applying for compensation and you will normally not need any help from a solicitor. Nevertheless, legal costs will be covered in some cases. If you are represented by a solicitor, all correspondence and contact will take place via the solicitor. The solicitor's role will be to send copies o...

Appealing the decision or reopen a claim

Here you can find information about how to appeal a decision. You will also find information about reopening a claim.

Fagnotater og regelverk

Interne fagnotater fra juridisk avdeling i NPE. Notatene er en veiledning til saksbehandlerne om hvordan vi forstår og praktiserer regelverket innenfor forskjellige temaer.